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Do It Yourself #SoloCleanup

DIY Cleanup



Make a meaningful impact on others' lives while enjoying the flexibility and freedom to give back to your community whenever and wherever you choose.

Do It Yourself #SoloCleanup
Do It Yourself #SoloCleanup

Time & Location

DIY Cleanup



Take control of your volunteering experience today! You can choose to volunteer on your own time, at your own pace, and wherever you want. With this level of flexibility, you can make a real difference in your community while enjoying complete autonomy over your schedule. No need to compromise or work within the constraints of someone else's timeline. It's time to take charge and make a positive impact on the world around you!

To provide ample opportunities for volunteers to help us save our beaches, we are offering a DIY cleanup season.

Do your own #SoloCleanup

  • You can participate as often as you'd like! And we even have prizes for those who do the most!
  • You must adhere to all local guidelines
  • Locations can be your favorite beach, shoreline park, waterway by paddlecraft or even your neighborhood

Please read on for details and resources that allow you, your family, friends, and community an opportunity to make an impact by helping us save our beaches.

Safety Guidelines: For anyone doing their own cleanup, please review the safety guidelines and 8 Steps to doing your own cleanup below. Download the PDF. 

Supplies: If you are doing your own independent cleanup, at bare minimum you will need to BYO gloves and a garbage bag. We like these reusable and washable gloves for $1/pair at Home Depot (curbside pickup available!) Dishwashing gloves like these available at Publix are another good option. We suggest buying a reusable bucket too! **For those who are unable to provide their own supplies, we are offering gloves, buckets and sticks to borrow for pickup while supplies last. Email and we’ll let you know where you can get them!

Clean Swell: Citizen Science Data collection is a crucial component of the ICC experience. Download the app before your cleanup and log the types and amounts of trash you collect. Logging your trash in Clean Swell is required for community service hours. Checkout the Video for more guidance on using the app. Please remember to enter the group: Bocasob. 

Community Service Hours: To be eligible to receive community service hours for your cleanup, you must log your cleanup in Clean Swell. When you are done collecting and have submitted your data you will receive an email summary. Forward that summary along with a photo of you and your bags from the cleanup to  We will send you an electronic community service certificate within 1 week.

Contests and Prizes: We will be awarding cool prizes to the most active volunteers during the season and featuring you on our social media. Email your Clean Swell Report and photos to Use the #bocasob on your social posts!

Solo Signup: By signing up below, I acknowledge and agree to the following:

  1. I have reviewed the Safety Guidelines.
  2. I will adhere to local guidelines.
  3. I will use the CleanSwell App. 
  4. I accept Boca Save our Beaches Terms of Service and Liability Release.

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